Where do my Oils come from?

Did you know that it is dōTERRA’s mission to change the world, one drop, one person, one community a...

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What is CPTG?

When you open up a bottle of dōTERRA essential oil, you can be certain that there is no adulteration...

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Why is Purity Important?

Let’s talk about purity.  All essential oils are not created equally. Unfortunately, many essential ...

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Internally - Supplemental Facts

Last, is internal use.  When you take an essential oil internally (and this is specific to dōTERRA e...

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Topically - Where to Apply Oils

Topical use is next up❗  Essential oils penetrate the skin making topical application great for loca...

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Aromatic - How Does it Work?

Aromatic use is the most simple way to experience your oils.  Have you experienced smelling a rose, ...

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How to Use Essential Oils!

Now that we know what essential oils are as well as why it is important to have these tools at our d...

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Why is Low-Tox Important?

People have been using essential oils for years and years. This is because they realize the impact t...

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Plant power at its finest!

🤨 What are essential oils?  Well, it doesn’t get any more basic than that, right? 😂 Seems like a g...

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Theme of the Month: Essential Oils 101

🤓 I am going to dive deep into the basics with you guys.  Perhaps you are brand new to the wonderfu...

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My 'ah-ha' Moment

My ah-ha moment came when I had success using these amazing essential oils to help the healing proce...

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Why did I Choose to Use doTERRA?

You may know that there are a plethora of different essential oil companies out there, but there was...

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Lay strong foundations now and reap the rewards later!

Give your body what it needs, and it will thrive. At dōTERRA®, we know that healthy habits supported...

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I have a MASSIVE secret!

I have a MASSIVE secret! 😬 For years I had been struggling with circulation issues and nerve pain a...

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Peace / Calm Journal Prompt & Diffuser Blend

Grab a pen and journal, your favorite diffuser, and let's write about Peace/ Calm. Inner peace or a ...

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Oils for Peace

Moments, when I am overwhelmed and not grounded there, are a variety of oils I reach for when I want...

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Understanding Peace

When you are at peace you feel calm, patient, content, present, and grounded. Your pulse and breathi...

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Guilt Journal Prompt & Diffuser Blend

Grab a pen and journal, your favorite diffuser, and let's write about Guilt. Guilt comes to us when ...

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Oils for Guilt

Guilt stems from us not being able to forgive ourselves for our mistakes or wrongdoings. I love usin...

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Free yourself with our April promotions!

This April, we invite you to embrace natural, toxin-free alternatives and give yourself license to e...

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Genevieve sitting in her wheelchair with Guide Dog Pedro lying beside her.
Hello! I'm here to help you live happier + healthier than you've ever thought possible. 
Front cover of Welcome to doTERRA ebook

Free Guide

If you're wondering, "What are essential oils? How can I use them to improve my health?" Download my free "Welcome to doTERRA" guide today! 
Fill out the form below to get your free copy!

Learn how to use doTERRA essential oils to live well and feel better faster. 


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