Bathroom Cabinet 'On-the-Go'

Do you have a nappy bag❓ Maybe a car kit❓ I have compiled a list of my “Bathroom cabinet-on-the-go” ...

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Chill Pill

Need a little time out❓🙋🏼‍♀️ When I start to get a little overwhelmed, short or snappy I know it i...

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Lotions - Spa Range

Lotions and spa products are definitely a large part of my bathroom cabinet and I have been so happy...

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Clear Skin

Problematic skin is the worst❗ Some of the 3 or 4 step systems can be loaded with harsh chemicals an...

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Sleep Soundly

Have trouble getting enough ZZZ’s❓ Do you struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get deep enough s...

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DIY Dry Shampoo

Do you use Dry Shampoo❓ Did you know that you can make your own that is both easy to do and affordab...

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Skincare System

Along with facewash, comes entire skin care systems❗ Because once the skin is cleansed, it needs to ...

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Face Wash

Your bathroom cabinet should have some kind of face wash in them, right❓  dōTERRA has a few options ...

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Oral Care - Toothpaste/Mouthwash

A place where nasty chemicals really like to hide out is our toothpaste.😬 ✅ Once I made the switch ...

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Warm Body Temperature

High body temperatures.🔥🔥🔥  They get a bad rap but really they are proof that our bodies and immu...

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Bye Bye Bug Spray

With summertime, unfortunately, comes bugs. And if you haven’t already guessed it - essential oils c...

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Rounding out our “replacement of the pink drink” series is another perhaps underrated product - Ging...

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Digestive Health

While we are on the subject - we need to talk about two more staples to the medicine cabinet: ZenGes...

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Chest and Digestive Discomfort

It is time to break up with the nasty pink drink that we all knew as kids to ease a queasy tummy. 👮...

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Ear Support

Chances are if you have a little one you have experienced them having ear discomfort.  😖😖😖 The tu...

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Scratchy Throat

I know I seem to have a lot of favourite dōTERRA products (probably because I do 😬) but one that I ...

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Respiratory Syrup

Temporary barking is no fun, but it happens to the best of us. It is always a great idea to have som...

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Temporary Congestion

When you think of a temporary congestion remedy, you probably think of a Vapour Rub, right❓  ❌ Unfor...

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We may be headed into spring but it is always important to keep our immune systems built up! I like ...

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Seasonal Threats

🌱 When the flowers bloom and the dust kicks up, sometimes our bodies respond to these seasonal chan...

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Genevieve sitting in her wheelchair with Guide Dog Pedro lying beside her.
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