Mindful Breathing

Have you practiced breathwork yet ❓ Mindful breathing can take you from feeling stressed and anxious...

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Healthy Snack Swap

Swap one unhealthy snack with a nutritious alternative today.  Having the famous three p.m. slump❓ I...

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Mindful Eating

Practice mindful eating today, truthfully, put down any distractions (phone, tv) and actually sit wi...

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doTERRA Greens

Next, we thrive with the power of plants❗ Stir doTERRA Greens into water or your favourite juice for...

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doTERRA Fiber

Did you know that our gut is called the second brain❓  Our emotions (like serotonin - the happy horm...

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Vanilla Protein Balls

Today, I want to share another protein-infused recipe: Vanilla Protein Balls❗ Yields 12 protein ball...

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doTERRA Protein

Optimal protein is essential for healthy weight loss, muscle retention and a balanced metabolism.  O...

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Kitchen Organization for Healthy Habits

Did you know that we implement habits much better when we have easy access to them❓ Do you want to e...

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Schedule Self-Care Time

Feeling rested is not just about sleep❗ We need to take time for ourselves on a regular basis. Even ...

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Essential Oil Infused Bath

A warm, luxurious bath is sometimes just what you need at the end of a long or stressful day. You ca...

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Choose Your Bedding Wisely

Something most people don’t think about is their bedding and the fact that you spend a third of your...

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Diffusing for Sleep

Today, I want to share my favorite diffuser blends for a deep sleep.  S weet Dreams 💧4 drops Lavend...

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Importance of Sleep Environment

Let’s set you up for sleeping so soundly before your head even hits the pillow.  Our sleeping enviro...

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The Power of Walking

Today’s assignment is to go on a walk. Enjoy some time outside with your family, your dog, a friend,...

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Back Support

I f you sit at a desk all day long, this one's for you. Let’s support your back naturally. Set a tim...

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Before Workout Boost

Pump up your workout with the ultimate oxygen boost.  Take a Peppermint or Easy Air Touch roller and...

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Move Your Body

Moving our bodies will help our whole system. Not only do we strengthen our immune system, but we wi...

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Diffusing Everyday

Today, I encourage you to use the essential oils you already have, set up the diffuser and add your ...

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The Power of Tracking

People who track their habits are more likely to stick to their plans. Take a journal, create a habi...

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Goal Setting: Your Personal Habit

The three daily habits I have shared yesterday are just the beginning. I want to encourage you to ch...

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Genevieve sitting in her wheelchair with Guide Dog Pedro lying beside her.
Hello! I'm here to help you live happier + healthier than you've ever thought possible. 
Front cover of Welcome to doTERRA ebook

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If you're wondering, "What are essential oils? How can I use them to improve my health?" Download my free "Welcome to doTERRA" guide today! 
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