Whether you prefer sporting an unruly, mountain-man mane; a hard part and sideburns; or a ‘fro for days, we’ve got the products that provide a natural pick-me-up—for your hair, that is.
Just like skin care, skip store-bought products full of ingredients like formaldehyde and isopropyl alcohol. Try this down-to-earth DIY pomade to naturally keep your style in place.
π§3 tablespoons shea butter
π§2 tablespoons beeswax pellets
π§2 tablespoons jojoba oil
π§1 tablespoon arrowroot powder
π§5 drops of Rosemary essential oil
π§3 drops Cedarwood essential oil
π§3 drops Thyme essential oil
1. Melt the shea butter and beeswax pellets in a double boiler. Stir the mixture frequently.
2. Combine the jojoba oil and arrowroot powder in a separate bowl. Mix well so there are no clumps and the mixture is smooth.
3. Add the shea butter and beeswax to the jojoba mixture. Mix thoroughly with a hand mixer until the texture is thick, about 5 minutes.
4. Add essential oils and mix to incorporate.
5. Pour the mixture into a small, lidded container (e.g., wide-mouth glass jar, clean mint tin).
6. Store in a cool, dark place.
To use: Put a small amount of hair pomade on your fingertips and rub them together. Once fingertips are evenly coated with pomade, run them through hair and style as desired. Start with a small amount of pomade and add more as needed.β¨