
Oils for Testosterone Support

Men can experience a dip in their libido due to stress, weight, and sleep quality. These essential oils have been known to support healthy testosterone levels.

šŸš€ Clary Sage - balances estrogen production
šŸš€ Thyme - supports progesterone levels
šŸš€ Hawaiian Sandalwood - supports testosterone levels

Use these aromatically or topically for maximum support.

Try this roller:

In a 10 mL roller add:

šŸ’§ 5 drops Thyme
šŸ’§ 10 drops Hawaiian Sandalwood
šŸ’§ 5 drops Rosemary
šŸ’§ 5 drops Clary Sage

Top with FCO and roller on the bottoms of feet 2x a day.

Testosterone Roller Blend Recipe with images of Thyme, Hawaiin Sandalwood, Frankincense & Clary Sage essential oils. The QR code opens a link to purchase these oils.

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