
Throat Lozenges

If you're looking for a quick and convenient way to soothe a dry or scratchy throat while on the go, doTERRA has three types of throat lozenges to choose from. The doTERRA Easy Air Respiratory Drops, doTERRA On Guard Protecting Throat Drops, and Ginger Drops are all great options. I always make sure to keep a handful of these in my travel bag for easy access. Simply pop one in your mouth whenever you need a refreshing and soothing sensation. These throat drops are perfect for relieving dryness and discomfort in the throat, whether you're traveling or just going about your day. 

I love the Easy Air Throat Drops❗ Have you tried any of these yet❓

Packets of the Easy Air, On Guard & Ginger Throat Drops. The QR code opens a link to purchase the Easy Air & On Guard drops. 

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