
Importance of Exercise

EXERCISE 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️We all know that moving our body is important not only for our emotional health but also for our heart health.

Daily movement can reduce body weight, reduce blood pressure, reduce bad (LDL and total) cholesterol, as well as increase good (HDL) cholesterol...and make your butt look good. 😏

If that hasn’t motivated you to lace up your sneakers and just go for a short walk each day, it does wonders for reducing stress and improving mental health! I know we could all use a lot of that right about now❗

Whether exercise is already a ritual for you or you are just committing to moving your body a few minutes per day a few times per week, you are going to want to get your hands on some Ice Blue Rub. 

🤓 When applied to the skin the Ice Blue rub provides a comforting sensation of cooling and warmth to sore and strained muscles. (truly plant power!)

You may also want to grab some AromaTouch (Massage Blend) for those achy joints and sore muscles. This blend makes a wonderful addition to Epsom salts and a hot bath after strenuous exercise.

👉 What is your favourite way to move your body❓ Gym❓ At-home workout❓ Yoga❓ Tell me below❗

Feet wearing sneakers with a tube of Ice Blue Rub. The QR code opens a link to purchase Ice Blue Rub & AromaTouch Blend 

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