
Nervous System

Are you staying with me❓ 🤗

Science school can be A LOT of information but once you understand the brilliance of your body you will see how perfectly you were made and why essential oils work so seamlessly to support every cell in your body❗ 

Ready to keep going❓

Let’s talk about the Nervous System❗

What is i❓ 👉The Nervous System is your body’s communication channel. The nerves send and receive messages that allow you to think, feel, process sensory information, and control movement. Your nervous system is also responsible for emotions. Learning to manage negative emotions can help balance the nervous system. 

Essential oils can help calm the body, generate a positive mood, and support a healthy nervous system.

🌱They help with homeostasis, circulation, brain function, and even help with neurons transmitting and receiving messages to be more efficient thanks to their regenerative and soothing properties. 

Some essential oils traditionally used to balance or calm the nervous system include Lavender, Bergamot, Cilantro, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Basil, Copaiba, Vetiver, and Wild Orange.

These are extremely helpful if you have a hard time focusing, tend to get emotional spikes throughout the day, or want to be more intentional with your thoughts and feelings. 

👉 What to you do to calm your emotions❓

Oils for the Nervous System. The QR code opens a link to purchase the oils mentioned in this post.

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