
Skeletal System

We can’t talk about the muscular system without heading straight to the Skeletal System next ❗

What is it❓ 👉The body’s skeletal structure comprises the framework for which all organs and tissues depend upon for proper placement and coordination. Our bones need blood and oxygen to metabolize nutrients and produce waste. 

The skeletal system is in constant use, therefore undergoes perpetual repair and rejuvenation. This also means it is susceptible to damage. Proper pH balance in the body is beneficial to a healthy skeletal system (AKA Drink your water). 

When there is an injury in the skeletal system, the use of essential oils can expedite in supporting the repair process and recovery time. 

🌱 Wintergreen and Birch are good examples of oils that can be used to relieve and resolve skeletal issues. Additionally, Lemongrass supports the healing of connective tissue.

Fun fact: the skeletal system accounts for about 20% of the body’s overall weight❗

👉 Have you ever had a broken bone❓ Tell me your story❗

Oils for the Skeletal System. A skeleton with a bottle of Wintergreen & Lemongrass on each side. The QR code opens a link to purchase these oils. .

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