
Dry Brushing

Our Lymphatic system is a network of tissues, vessels, and organs that work to move a colorless, watery fluid called lymph back into the bloodstream. This system helps to maintain fluid levels in the body, absorb fats from the digestive tract, protect the body from foreign invaders as well as transport and remove waste and abnormal cells from the lymph.
To keep our lymphatic system healthy we should (you guessed it!😉) avoid toxic chemicals, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, engage in regular exercise, and maintain a healthy diet.
👉Another activity to support the lymphatic system that we can do is called dry brushing. Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, therefore, aiding in the ridding of toxins. The coarse bristles on the brush stimulate the pores and open them up promoting sweat and the removal of toxins.

To dry brush, use a natural fiber brush with a long handle. For added benefits, you can grab your Cypress or Grapefruit essential oil and drop a few drops on the brush before you begin.

Simple Steps:
1️⃣ Start at your feet and move up your body.
2️⃣ Brush your skin using wide, circular, clockwise motions.
3️⃣ Use light pressure in areas where your skin is thin and harder pressure on thicker skin, like the soles of your feet.
4️⃣ Brush your arms after you have brushed your feet, legs, and mid-section. You should brush upward towards your armpits.
5️⃣ After dry brushing, take a cool shower to help remove the dry skin.
6️⃣ After your shower, dry off and then consider adding dōTERRA Spa lotion or Body Butter.
Tell us - have you tried dry brushing❓

Dry Brushing. A brush on a bathroom vanity with bottles of Grapefruit & MetaPWR essential oils. The QR code opens a link to purchase these oils.

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