
Integumentary System

Possibly an overlooked system of the body is the Integumentary System. 

What is it❓ 👉 This system consists of the skin, hair, and nails which all act as your first line of defense protecting your internal organs and tissues from external threats. Your skin protects internal organs, guards against infection, regulates temperature and hydration through perspiration, as well as stores water, fat, and glucose. The skin also excretes waste, generates Vitamin D when exposed to UV light, and secretes melanin to protect against sunburn. It can also form new cells to repair cuts and abrasions.

Whoa, this system does so much❗

😳 Did you know your skin is the largest organ in your body❓ 

Using your oils topically on your skin, hair and nails is an incredible, natural, way to support this system.

✅ Skin Favorites:
💧Frankincense (hello, anti-aging)
💧Tea Tree

✅ Nail Favorites:

✅ Hair Favorites:
💧Tea Tree

What are your favourite oils to use on your skin, hair, or nails❓

Oils for the Integumentary System with images of some of the oils suggested. The QR code opens a link to purchase a Skin, Hair, Nail bundle

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