
Healthy Hormones

Essential oils can be extremely supportive to supporting your hormones, but there are a few other tips you can utilize too!

✅ Consume healthy fats (avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, grass-fed/organic butter or ghee)
✅ Watch your caffeine intake (I know, annoying but necessary)
✅ Sleep well (7-8 hours minimum) 
✅ Gentle workouts daily (move for 30 minutes a day)
✅ Support your digestive system (your gut and liver are both vital to your hormone health)
✅ Stay proactive with supplementing your body (take your Lifelong Vitality Supplements)
✅ Use your oils❗

Let’s talk about your Thyroid health since that little gland is a major part of your Endocrine System:

Here is a Healthy Thyroid blend (in a 10ml roller)
💧20 drops Frankincense 
💧20 drops Myrrh
💧20 drops Lemongrass
💧20 drops Lavender 
💧20 drops Peppermint

Top with fractionated coconut oil and shake and apply over thyroid daily. 

I want to hear from you, out of this list of 7 items to maintain healthy hormones, how many do you do daily❓ 1-7 comment below❗

Healthy Thyroid blend with images of the oils. The QR code opens a link to purchase these oils. 

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