
Pre-Workout Warm-Up

Warming up is like giving your muscles a heads-up before the real action begins, not only does it prevent injury but it also can enhance your performance. 

Did you know that Black Pepper is warming to the muscles and mixed with a little Lemongrass can support your ligaments? This is great for runners to apply to their shins before a long run or sprints. 

Challenge of the Day: 
Mix some Black Pepper and Lemongrass oil with your favorite carrier oil (I recommend Fractionated Coconut Oil) and rub it on those muscles before moving. Feel the warmth❓ That’s how you know it is working❗

Pre-Workout Warm-Up with a bottle each of Black Pepper & Lemongrass essential oils. The QR code opens a link to purchase these two oils + Fractionated Coconut Oil

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