
Essential Oils for Yoga

For any yoga enthusiast, here is a curated list of essential oils designed to elevate your practice from the first deep breath to the final savasana.

Sharpen Your Focus: Before you step onto your mat, consider applying Basil, Douglas Fir, Frankincense, or Spearmint topically or diffusing them to create an environment that sharpens your focus and deepens your concentration.

Breathe Deeply: For those moments of deep breathing, enhance the experience with Cardamom, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, or Peppermint. Apply these to your chest for a sensation of clear and open airways, supporting every inhalation and exhalation.

Melt Stress Away: To help shed the stress of the day and fully immerse yourself in your practice, massage Frankincense, Lavender, Sandalwood, or Spikenard onto your temples. Their soothing aromas are perfect for setting a tranquil mood.

Set the Mood with Calming Oils: For a serene and soothing practice, diffuse calming champions like Bergamot, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Lavender, Petitgrain, or Ylang Ylang. They'll help you find peace and stillness on your mat.

Energize Your Flow: If you're gearing up for a more dynamic session, kickstart your energy with the uplifting scents of Cypress, Lime, Peppermint, or Wild Orange. Diffusing these can invigorate your practice, infusing it with vitality and zest.

Explore doTERRA's Yoga Collection: For a tailored yoga experience, dive into doTERRA's Yoga Essential Oil Collection, featuring Anchor, Align, and Arise blends. Each one is crafted to support a different aspect of your journey—grounding, centering, and enlightening.

While the world of essential oils offers a vast palette to enhance your yoga journey, remember to keep it simple. Using too many scents at once can overwhelm rather than uplift. Choose one or two that resonate with your practice’s intention for the day.

Challenge of the Day: Pick one of the above recommendations and integrate it into your yoga routine today. Notice how it influences your practice, both physically and mentally.

Essential Oils for Yoga. The QR code opens a link to purchase the Yoga Collection 

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