
Reusable Dust Wipes

Dust. Ugh. It is everywhere and never-ending it seems. Feather dusters just move dust around from place to place but cloth wipes can help to trap and remove the dust. 

💧2 cups distilled water
💧2 tbsp olive oil
💧1 tbsp white vinegar
💧25 drops Lemon oil

✅ Directions: 

1. Cut 3-5 cloth towels into quarters
2. In a large bowl combine all ingredients and add cloths
3. Soak until cloths are saturated
4. Ring each cloth out, tightly roll up the cloths, and store in an airtight container
5. If your cloths dry out, just dampen them with water to refresh

I love a nice reusable option, how about you❓

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