
Soft Scrub Cleaner

We have just spent some time focusing on the kitchen and its appliances, but now let’s move on to another room in the house that needs a lot of special time and attention when it comes to cleaning - the bathroom! It is personally my least favorite space in the house to clean but hopefully, these swaps make it a little more tolerable❗

Soft Scrub Cleanser:

💧¾ rounded cup of baking soda
💧¼ cup unscented castile soap
💧1 tbsp water
💧1 tbsp vinegar
💧5-10 drops Lemon oil

✅ Directions: 

1. Combine baking soda and castile soap in a bowl
2. Add water and stir
3. Add vinegar and essential oil. The consistency should be a soft paste.
4. Store in an airtight container (this is enough for 2-4 applications)

Use this recipe to remove soap scum and stains as well as to brighten your tub, tile, and toilet! To use, apply and let sit for 5-10 minutes and then scrub. After scrubbing, take a wet cloth and wipe clean. Boom❗ The shower looks as good as new❗

Ditch & Switch. Generic soft scrub, make your own

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