
Theme of the Month: All About Supplementation

Supplementation. It isn’t the sexiest topic, but boy do we need to talk about it.

If you are reading this, scratching your head, asking “But why?”

…because you deserve to FEEL your BEST❗

Confused about where to even start❓ 

I 👏 Got 👏 You 👏

Micronutrients and Macronutrients are the foundation in which your body functions, so if anything is “off” then we get to start there. 

So, let’s dive in! This month we are covering:

✅ All the supplements doTERRA offers

✅ Why you need them

✅ When you need them

✅ How to use them 

Are you ready to get started❓ Comment below if you take supplements.Dishes with different supplements. Text reads Theme of the Month, All About Supplementation

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