
Topically - Where to Apply Oils

Topical use is next up❗ 

Essential oils penetrate the skin making topical application great for localized benefits. What does this mean? Well, if you have a blemish or a scrape, applying the oils at the site of the issue can be helpful to repair the skin. Sore muscles? Use the oil in the area of discomfort. 

📣 Are you ready for a pro tip? When in doubt, apply oils to the bottoms of the feet! The feet are a great vessel to introduce oils to the body as the skin there is not as sensitive, the pores are larger and if you are applying an oil you maybe don’t want to smell like all day - just throw socks or shoes on!

Can you think of a time when you wished you had these tools to help you with something you were experiencing❓Topically - Where to apply oils. Two cartoon women stand side by side with arrows pointing from them to text indicating where oils should be applied..

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