
Aromatic - How Does it Work?

Aromatic use is the most simple way to experience your oils. 

Have you experienced smelling a rose, or zesting a lemon? Those little aromatic notes are the essential oils playing with your olfactory system. Your olfactory receptors have a direct link to your limbic system, which is the part of your brain that stores emotions and memories. 

There are a few ways you can experience oils aromatically. Personally, I love having a diffuser in my room, just fill it with water and 4-8 drops of my favorite oil or oils and watch how the air is purified, the mood is changed, and the overall vibe is set. 🤩 

You can also just open a bottle and inhale deeply directly from there, or you can put a few drops in your palm and cup your hands over your face and breathe in. 

This is the most gentle way to start to use essential oils and truly one of my favorite ways! Lately, I have been loving to diffuse AromaTouch daily. 

I want to hear from you, do you have a specific aroma that immediately brings up a memory for you❓ That is your limbic system at work❗Aromatics - How does it work? A woman smelling from a bottle of essential oil. Text with arrows describes how it works.

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