
What is CPTG?

When you open up a bottle of dōTERRA essential oil, you can be certain that there is no adulteration, contamination or fillers present. As we talked about before, there is no regulating standard in the essential oil industry. Well, dōTERRA had something to say about that so they created their own.

Every batch of dōTERRA essential oil goes through rigorous testing and after that, it is sent to an independent third party for further testing and validation. This is important because a third party is unbiased. If the oil passes all the tests, it is labeled as Certified Pure Tested Grade (CPTG). When you see that label, you know you are holding the purest oil on the market❗

Have you ever heard of CPTG❓ Is it something that is important to you❓doTERRA CPTG. Certified Pure Tested Grade. A list of 8 different tests carried out.

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