
Oils for Fear - Roller Blend

There are varying levels of fear. Some can cause general worry and some can leave you paralyzed.😣 Essential oils can help calm our emotions.

You can create a roller or diffuser blend out of the following oils  to support those feelings:

✅ Wild Orange
✅ Geranium
✅ Lavender
✅ Juniper Berry
✅ Clary Sage
✅ Frankincense

For children, try the Brave roller from the Kid’s Collection.

For my “monster in the closet” moment, I whip up a bottle of Monster Spray with Wild Orange, Frankincense, and Lavender. Top with distilled water in a spray bottle and spray at bedtime.

What are your go-to oils when you are feeling a bit fearful❓Essential Oils for Fear

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