
How to Tune into Your Body's Physical Indicators

Everyone responds differently to different emotions…but there are underlying themes that each type of emotion exhibits. In order to get to the heart of the matter and understand what underlying emotion is happening when we clench our jaw or puff out our chest (anger for example), we want to tune in and recognize what our body is doing at that exact moment when we become emotional.

We can do this for each emotion we experience as emotions manifest into physical indicators.

What is your GO-TO emotion when you are triggered❓ Anger❓Stress❓ Anxiety❓ Laughter❓ Peace❓ 

If you are ready to dig deep into your emotions let me know in the comments❗Emotions often trigger a physical emotion. I'm angry = clenched jaw. I'm stressed = racing heart. I'm sad = feeling tired. I'm worried = gut issues. I'm scared = sweaty palms.

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