
Tamer for Pets

For the past two days, we covered Peppermint and Spearmint. Let us introduce doTERRA Tamer™, which combines the power of the mint family.

Benefits for Pets:

💧Calming Comfort: Tamer Digestive Blend is infused with soothing Spearmint essential oil, which can help calm your pet's nerves during travel. Its gentle aroma creates a sense of tranquility.

💧Cooling Relief: Featuring Japanese Peppermint, known for its menthol content, this blend provides a cooling sensation when applied topically. It's especially beneficial during warm-weather adventures.

💧Motion Sickness Support: For pets prone to motion sickness, Tamer can be applied to their stomach area or the bottoms of their paws after meals to ease the effects.

💧Easy Application: Tamer is blended with Fractionated Coconut Oil, making it safe and convenient for topical use on pets.

💧Versatile and Portable: Tamer Digestive Blend is easy to carry, whether going on a road trip or flying with your pet. Keep it in your pet's travel bag for on-the-go support.

When using Tamer Digestive Blend for your pet, remember to apply it topically and use it with care. 

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Tamer for comfort. Benefits for Pets

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