
The Best Essential Oils for Dogs - Part 1

Let’s dive into the best oils you can use for your canine friends. There are so many❗

💧Lavender Oil: Lavender is known for its calming properties and can help dogs relax in stressful situations. It can be diluted and applied topically or diffused in the air.

💧Copaiba Oil: Copaiba is a versatile oil that supports the cardiovascular system and neurological well-being and can help with joint and muscle discomfort in dogs. Use it diluted topically.

💧Frankincense Oil: Frankincense is excellent for minor skin irritations and can promote overall dog wellness. Dilute and apply it topically.

💧Helichrysum Oil: Helichrysum is a versatile oil known for its wound-healing properties. It can be diluted and used to support skin health in dogs.

💧Roman Chamomile Oil: Roman Chamomile is soothing and can help dogs with anxiety or skin irritations. It's safe when diluted and applied topically.

💧Ginger Oil: Ginger oil can support digestive health in dogs and help alleviate nausea. Dilute it and apply it to their abdomen.

💧Cardamom Oil: Cardamom is gentle and supports dogs' digestive and respiratory systems. Dilute and apply it topically or use it aromatically.

💧Peppermint Oil: Peppermint can help with respiratory issues and provide a cooling sensation. Dilute it and use it sparingly around dogs.

Tomorrow, we’ll share some more beneficial oils for the dogs in your life.

Share with us which oils you already use around your dog in the comments below.

Best Oils for Dogs - Part 1

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