
Temporary Head Tension

Today, let’s kick something that everyone, unfortunately, deals with from time to time - temporary head tension. 😖 

Maybe you’ve been staring at your computer screen for hours hoping the work does itself (hello, Blue Light Blockers), or perhaps the kids have not stopped singing “Baby Shark” since 7 AM. Whatever it is that is causing your head to throb, we have solutions that are natural and EASY❗

👉 Anytime I am getting temporary head tension, I like to reach for my Past Tense roller bottle blend. 

Appropriately also known as Tension Blend, once rolled or applied to temples, neck, shoulders, or back you will instantly feel stress and strain melt away. Another option to have handy for this purpose is Peppermint❗I can not tell you how many times it has saved me when my head was pounding.

Do you have a natural trick to ease your head tension❓ Share with us what works for you❗

A list of oils in the Past Tense Blend. Lavender, Rosemary, Cilantro, Peppermint, Marjoram, Basil, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile, Wintergreen.

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