
Temporary Congestion

When you think of a temporary congestion remedy, you probably think of a Vapour Rub, right❓ 

❌ Unfortunately, the store-bought stuff is full of unsavoury ingredients. 

Naturally (pun intended!), dōTERRA has a safer option. 

✅ Easy Air Respiratory Blend is composed of essential oils that all promote clear, healthy airways. Pop some Easy Air in the diffuser to help open up your airways. 

Another great product is the Easy Air Vapour Stick. The Vapour Stick glides on the skin easily and does not leave a greasy residue. Apply to the chest as needed or even to the bottoms of the feet at bedtime to enjoy a cooling and soothing vapour. No chemicals - just clear breathing❗I like the sound of that, how about you❓

Pro tip: Using steam from the shower add a few drops of Easy Air to the shower floor and run hot water to create steam and inhale for congestion relief.

👉 What do you grab when you need a little respiratory support❓

Easy Air. Primary Benefits, Uses.

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