
Here's How My Business Exceeded My Expectations

When I started sharing doTERRA four years ago, I had no idea if it would work out.
All I felt at the time was incredibly aligned with what these oils were doing in my life and wanted to share them with people I love. Did I know exactly what I was doing?? No. Did I love these oils and know that they make a profound difference in people's lives? YES. 
My goal is to get my oils paid for each month and share how life-changing they are for me and my family.
Starting out, I knew how much these amazing oils could help us manage our wellbeing.

I'm so grateful for Debbie Lake for her ongoing support & belief in me.
Today, I could never have dreamed that this little oil business I started would completely change the way I live my life.
So, don’t worry when you are starting with baby steps…taking one action and then another action should help you to learn and grow… someday you’ll look back and be amazed at how much you accomplished.
Determination and self-love will get you there. I promise.

Have you ever thought about creating a side hustle to make extra income?If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won't have to hear it scream.

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