
Get to Know Easy Air Clear Drops

Today I want to share some information about Easy Air Clear Drops💧

💁‍♀️These sweet, yummy drops are such an easy way to get Easy Air benefits orally❗

What Is it❓
A delicious lozenge infused with some of the Easy Air oils designed to clear your nose and throat.

💧They also have Melissa Essential Oil❗

How do I use it❓
✳️Open the pack, and pop one in your mouth!
✳️Letting them dissolve slowly while you enjoy is a great way to get a good dose of those Easy Air benefits.

Why do I need it❓
🔹Get rid of that stuffiness.
🔹Open airways.
🔹These oils are great for immunity and your respiratory system.
🔹The eucalyptus drop flavour is DELICIOUS❗

Watch my video where I talk about how I use Easy Air drops. This was recorded for an internal promotion.

Shop now to purchase Easy Air Clear drops, or contact me for further information.

A packet of Easy Air Clear drops with some loose beside it.

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