
2 Simple Tweaks in my Daily Routine that Changed My Health!

2 Simple Tweaks in my Daily Routine that Changed My Health

Teeth and Pits.😬


More importantly, the two areas on my body that got hit every day with items I shouldn’t have been using–deodorant and regular toothpaste.

So, I made the switch to doTERRA’s Natural Deodorant (I prefer it infused with Balance) and On Guard Toothpaste.

It made sense. I didn’t want to rub aluminum on my body every day, so why was it my deodorant❓

Oh, and it was time to ditch the fluoride

Making small changes like this has helped set me up for a much healthier future.

Are you interested in making these simple swaps❓ 

What do you want to learn more about❓

Contact me to learn how you can make these simple swaps.

Regular deodorant & doTERRA Balance deodorant. What's the difference?Regular toothpaste & On Guard toothpaste. What's the difference?


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