
Sleep Tips

You may have heard it before – on average, we spend a third of our lives asleep. This essential rest affects almost every tissue in our body and our overall wellbeing is inextricably tied to how well we can rejuvenate.

Check out these tips to support your sleep & wellness.

Keep it Regular
The body has a natural clock that will make you sleepy when you’re ready for bed – try to listen to this and aim to go to bed and get up at more or less the same time each day. Even on weekends! Try and avoid the temptation to try and make up for a poor night’s sleep by sleeping in as this can
disturb your body’s internal clock.

Get Up and Try Again
If you haven’t been able to drop off to sleep after about 20 minutes, get up and do something calming or mundane in dim lights until you feel sleepy, then return to bed and try again.

Morning Rays
Seeking out the direct sunlight for at least 10mins after waking helps our bodies
prepare hours in advance for quality sleep by kicking off the natural production of melatonin, our body’s sleep hormone.

Bring the Day to an End
To help consolidate and bring closure to your day, spend a few moments before bed reflecting on the day and writing in a journal. Write down and express your day’s highlights, challenges, and opportunities for growth to assist the mind to let go of the day and ease into the present moment.

Creating A Sleep Friendly Space
Create a quiet, dark and comfortable space for sleeping. Keep the temperature cool with enough blankets to stay warm, reduce as much light and noise as possible and remove any clocks from view.

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