
Back to School Blends & Recipes

Going back to school, or even starting school can be a stressful time for some kids.

These essential oils blends & recipes may help settle them in.

Focus & Concentration

In a 10ml roller bottle add:
5 drops Peppermint
5 drops Wild Orange
5 drops Rosemary
Top up with Fractionated Coconut Oil

Head Lice

To Prevent
For daily prevention, place 5 drops Tea Tree oil, 5 drops Eucalyptus & 5 drops of Rosemary in a spray bottle with some Fractionated Coconut Oil to make up to 500 MLS & spray on hair daily.

To Eradicate
Add 5 drops Tea Tree oil to your own shampoo, or make a mix of 5 drops Tea Tree oil & 3 tbsp Fractionated Coconut oil & rub into scalp, leaving on for 10 minutes, then rinsing with apple cider vinegar. Then wash with your shampoo. Re-treat after 1 week.

Calming & De-Stressing

In a 10ml roller bottle add:
5 drops Lavender
5 drops Cedarwood
5 drops Balance
Top up with Fractionated Coconut Oil

Rise & Shine Diffuser Blend

2 drops Citrus Bliss
2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Lime

Ouchie Blend

Place the following in a glass bottle:
50 ml Fractionated Coconut Oil
10 drops Lavender
5 drops Tea Tree

Apply the above mixture straight onto the cut or graze, using a cloth or cotton ball, depending on the type of cut or graze. Store the bottle in a safe, cool place for the next ouchie moment.Back to school blends & recipes

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