
Welcome to my New Website

I’m Genevieve McLachlan, Wellness Advocate with doTERRA Essential Oils.

I  teach people who are interested in how to use essential oils for their physical and emotional health.
My teaching is based on experience, the success I’ve had myself, and through seeing that success working with others.

When I was introduced to the oils, I had a splint on my left hand because of a torn ligament. One of the oils mentioned was a blend specifically designed to help with muscle & joint pain. I tried some & was given a sample to take home. I used this every day for the 14 weeks recovery period & by the end, I was able to almost close my fist. Even my Hand Therapist was impressed as he later told me he thought I wouldn't get any movement back in my finger & it would be permanently straight. 
I’m available for one on one consultations around specific needs, alternatively, I do run group classes teaching people how to incorporate essential oils into their daily lives.

My ideal client is someone looking for natural solutions to manage their wellbeing, whether individually or in their home or work environments.
My mission is to teach people how to use essential oils to get rid of toxins & manage their physical & emotional health.
Apart from my essential oils, I also run another business, Adaptive Technology Solutions Ltd, providing flexible technology solutions for people who struggle to use their computer, read print, or who may prefer dictating rather than typing by offering assessments, training, and support. I also work with businesses who want to progress their accessibility journey and who are looking at the overall picture of accessibility benefiting a whole range of people, not just those with physical disabilities.
I’m a member of two Toastmaster Clubs and the current President of one of them. I’m also Area Director for three clubs in the Hutt Valley.
I’ve won numerous business awards and in 2016 I was named in the Queen’s Birthday Honours as a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for Services to People with Disabilities. The photo shows me standing with our Governor-General, Dame Patsy Reddy at Government House just after she presented me with my Order of Merit.

Standing with Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy at Government House

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